Nining Wijayanti



Objective: Determine relationship of core stability and power, speed and also agility in basketball players aged 15-16 years. Methods: This study is a non-experimental research in the form of correlation studies to analyze the relationship between variables. Sample consisted of 37 basketball players aged 15-16 years in SMAN 112, SMAN 78 and Cakrawala basketball club Jakarta. Samples are given a series of tests consisting of McGill's Procedure, vertical jump test, 40 yards dash test and t-run agility test. Results: Result from McGill’s Prosedure mean±SD= 369,60±139,24, vertical jump test 50,38±8,15, 40 yards dash test 5,32±0,44 and t-run agility test 10,58±0,88. Result from Kolmogorov-Smirnov test showed that all of data are normally distributed. Result from correlation test using Pearson product moment showed that relationship between core stability-power r= 0,436, core stability-speed r= -0,341 and core stability-agility r= -0,514. Result from hypothesis test using T-test showed that core stability-power thitung= 2,866, core stability-speed thitung= 2,1460 dan core stability-agility thitung= 3,544. Value of thitung are compared to ttable and showed that thitung> ttabel (1,687), it means there is any relationship between each variable. Conclusion: There is a relationship between core stability and power, speed and also agility in 15-16 years old basketball players.

Keywords: core stability, power, speed, agility, basketball player.



Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan core stability dan power, speed serta agility pada pemain basket usia 15-16 tahun. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian non eksperimental berupa studi korelasi untuk menganalisa hubungan antar variabel. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 37 orang pemain basketusia 15-16 tahun yang berasal dari kelompok basket SMAN 112, SMAN 78 dan klub Cakrawala Jakarta. Sampel diberikan serangkaian pengukuran berupaMcGill’s procedure, vertical jump test, 40 yards dash test dan t-run agility test.Hasil:Hasil pengukuran McGill’s Procedure diperoleh data berupa mean±SD = 369,60±139,24, vertical jump test 50,38±8,15, 40 yards dash test 5,32±0,44 dan t-run agility test 10,58±0,88. Hasil uji normalitas dengan Kolmogorov-Smirnov test didapatkan seluruh data berdistribusi normal. Hasil uji korelasi dengan Pearson product moment test didapatkan hasil untuk hubungan core stability-power r= 0,436, core stability-speed r= -0,341 dan core stability-agility r= -0,514. Hasil uji hipotesis dengan uji T didapatkan hasil untuk hubungan core stability-powerthitung= 2,866, core stability-speed thitung= 2,1460 dan core stability-agility thitung= 3,544. Nilai thitung dibandingkan dengan nilai ttabel, hasil perbandingan menunjukkan seluruh hasil thitung > ttabel (1,687) yang berarti terdapat korelasi antar variabel.Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara core stability dan power, speed serta agility pada pemain basket usia 15-16 tahun.

Kata Kunci: core stability, power, speed, agility, pemain basket.

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