Muthia Munnawarah, Ulmi Wahyu



Objective: To know the difference of the effect of Laser and Vacu Preassure for cellulite. Methods: This type of research is quasi experiment. The sample consisted of 10 women, age arrange 19-20th of with purposive sampling. The sample was grouped into two groups, treatment I was 5 people were given Laser with 30 joule, 3 times/week until 4 weeks and treatment II was 5 people given Vacu Preassure. Result: Normality test on Shapiro Wilk Test is normally distributed, homogenity test on Levene's Test has homogeneous variant. The result of hypothesis test on treatment I with Wilcoxon was obtained p = 0.34 which means laser can reduce cellulite In the treatment group II with Wilcoxon Test obtained p =

0.38 which means Vacu Preassure can reduce cellulite. The result of Mann-Whitney Test shows p = 0.221 which means there is no difference of influence between treatment group I and treatment group II. Conclusion: There is no difference in the effect of Laser an Vacu Preassure for cellulite.


Keywords : laser, vacu preassure, cellulite



Tujuan:  Untuk  melihat  pengurangan  selulit  dengan  menggunakan  laser  dan  vacu preassure. Metode : Jenis penelitian ini quasi eksperiment. Sampel terdiri dari 10 orang wanita unia 19-20 tahun dengan purposive sampling. Sampel dikelompokkan menjadi dua kelompok, Group I 5 orang diberikan laser dan Group II 5 orang diberikan Vacu Preassure.Hasil : Uji normalitas Shapiro Wilk Test terdistribusi tidak normal, uji homogenitas Levene’s Test memiliki varian homogen. Hasil uji hipotesis pada perlakuan I nilai  mean±SD  sebelum  5.2±0.44  sedangkan  nilai  mean±SD  sesudah  3.4±0.54  uji hipotesis  dengan  Wicoxon  Test  didapatkan  p=0.034  dengan   yang  berarti  laser menurunkan selulit. Pada kelompok perlakuan II nilai mean±SD sebelum 5.4±0.54 sedangkan nilai mean±SD sesudah 4.0±0.74 uji hipotesis dengan Wicoxon Test didapatkan p=0.038 dengan yang berarti vacu preassure menurunkan selulit. Hasil Mann-Whitney U Test menunjukan p=0.221 yang berarti tidak ada perbedaan pemberian Laser dan vacu Preassure menurunkan selulite. Kesimpulan : tidak ada perbedaan pemberian Laser dan vacu Preassure menurunkan selulite


Kata kunci: laser, vacu preassure, selulit.

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