Rizki Hamdani, Abdurrasyid Abdurrasyid



Objective: Know the difference between the FIFA 11+ program and Core Stability and

Plyometric exercise in reducing the risk of injury to a soccer player. Methods: Quasi

Experiments with Pretest-Posttest where prevention of injury risk in soccer players. Sampling technique with purposive sampling and divided based on randomization into treatment group

I with FIFA 11+ Program and treatment group II with Core Stability Exercise and Plyometric exercise. Result: Normality test using Shapiro Wilk Test of treatment group 1 with result of

17,88 ± 1,15 and value p = 0,612. Treatment group 2 with result 16,63 ± 1,8110 and value

p = 0,111. Homogeneity test using Levene's Test with p value = 0.887> 0.05 homogeneous data. Hypothesis I test using Paired Sample T Test obtained p value = 0.000. Hypothesis

test II using Paired Sample t Test obtained p value = 0.000. Hypothesis Test III using t-Test

Independent Sample obtained p value = 0.012. Conclusion: The FIFA 11+ program with

Core stability and Pliometrics can reduce the risk of soccer injuries. The existence of FIFA

11+ Program Differences with Core Stability and Pliometrics in reducing the risk of injury to soccer players.


Keywords: FIFA 11+ Program, core stability, plyometric exercise, risk of injury.



Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan program FIFA 11+ dengan Core Stability dan Plyometric exercise dalam mengurangi risiko cedera pada pemain sepak bola. Metode: Quasi Experiments dengan Pretest-Posttest dimana pencegahan risiko cedera pada pemain sepak bola.  Teknik  pengambilan  sampel  dengan  purposive sampling dan  dibagi  berdasarkan randomisasi menjadi  kelompok  perlakuan  I  dengan  Program FIFA 11+ dan  kelompok perlakuan II dengan Latihan Core Stability dan Plyometric exercise. Hasil: Uji normalitas menggunakan Shapiro Wilk Test kelompok perlakuan 1 dengan hasil17,88±1,15 dan nilai p

= 0,612. Kelompok perlakuan 2  dengan hasil 16,63±1,8110 dan nilai p  =  0,111. Uji homogenitas menggunakan Levene’s Test dengan nilai p = 0,887 > 0.05 data homogen. Uji hipotesis I menggunakan Paired Sample T Test didapatkan nilai p = 0.000. Uji hipotesis II menggunakan  Paired Sample t  Test  didapatkan  nilai  p  =  0.000.  Uji  Hipotesis  III menggunakant-Test Independent Sample didapatkan nilai p = 0,012. Kesimpulan : Program FIFA 11+ dengan Core stability dan Pliometrik dapat mengurangi resiko cedera sepak bola. Adanya  perbedaan  Program  FIFA  11+  dengan  Core  Stability  danPliometrik  dalam mengurangi risiko cedera pada pemain sepak bola.


Kata kunci :Program FIFA 11+, core stability, plyometric exercise, risiko cedera.

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