Gisely Vionalita



The quality of these children will affect the child's readiness to continue the formal education. The quality of life of early children was measured using KINDL Questionnaire that given to both children and parents to get each of their perspectives. These questionnaires have been translated into Indonesian and have been validated and reliable. Both this questionnaires have six domains, namely the physical ability, the general feeling, the feeling about themselves, relationships with family and friends and also the ability in school. Respondents were taken from 34 children 3 to 5 years old in Taman PAUD UEU. Based on the children's perspective, it was found the lowest indicators contained in the physical abilities that show weakness on children's health. Based on parents' perspective, the children’s feeling about themselves is the lowest indicator or become the weakness of the children. Lack of trust and confidence were thought became the biggest obstacle in the lives of children. This will affect the quality of life of children in the future. This differences show that the perspective of the parents could not represented the perspective of their child. Both perspectives are necessary to analyze the quality of life of children's, thus the information becomes more meaningful.


Keywords : Children, Quality of life, early education, PAUD

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Daftar Pustaka

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