Jerry Maratis


Strategic leadership capabilities are needed in the new competitive landscape expected for the 21stcentury.  Humanand social capital are source of sustainable competitive advantage for organization and, therefore, should be carefullynurtured and developed.This research investigates the impact of intellectual capital components and Strategic leadership on the competitive advantage. The empirical findings indicate that the relational capitaland the structural capital have positive impact on competitive advantage. The study used a survey strategy “self-administered questionnaireâ€, to collect data.Both the relational capital andthe structural capital account for 48.4% of the competitive advantage. It is unexpected to find that thehuman capital does not have a significant direct impact on competitive advantage. However, it is valid tostate that the human capital indirectly and significantly influences competitive advantage as it isembedded in the relational capital. The effect of the relational capital on competitive advantage ismoderated by gender and age. The effect is strongest among younger men. In the case of the structuralcapital its effect is moderated by gender only such that the effect is slightly stronger for females ratherthan males.The statisticresults found that there is significant positive impact of strategic leadership capabilities on sustainable competitiveadvantage


Keyword: intellectual capital, strategic leadership, competititive advantage

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