NiLuh Widyaningsih


Garbage is a classic public problem and almost happens in big cities and suburban areas. This phenomenon triggers other problems, such as increasing sources of disease spread; cause environmental pollution (soil, water and air); and lowering people's living standards. So far, the waste management paradigm has only focused on the final stage, namely at the stage of waste disposal. At present the paradigm must be changed because it sees a rapid increase in population and encourages an increase in public demand for the necessities of life. The increase in demand for goods and services will certainly increase the amount of waste generation that occurs every day. On the other hand, there was also a change in the paradigm of economic orientation from the side of the company's business activities due to a decrease in environmental quality from the amount of waste. The change of paradigm from the interest orientation to gain profit for shareholders becomes an interest that is more environmentally and socially oriented (stakeholders). Corporate social responsibility or Corporate Social Responsibility to reduce municipal waste and help poor families get through the establishment of a waste bank. The research approach used was a qualitative approach using quantitative data, where socialization was conducted on the definition of household waste and also Focus Groups Discussion (FGD) with community leaders and environmental observers. It was concluded that three related sectors, namely economic, social and environmental, would support sustainable development.

Keywords: corporate social responsibility, focus group discussion, waste management

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