Pengaruh Faktor Biografis (Usia, Masa Kerja, dan Gender) Terhadap Produktivitas Karyawan (Studi Kasus PT Bank X)

Sunar Sunar



In the success of an organization, employees have share. For that required by employees that have developing and energetic nature and attitude such as high responsiveness, initiative, creative, and also sensitive to adaptation which all the can be used as mediums to increase employees productivity.Base on the background and concept stated, we can formulate the following: Is there any significant relationship between biographical factors and employees produc-tivity (a case study at PT Bank X)? This research is intented to increase concep-tual and empirical knowledge and to analyze relationship between these two matters.After analyzing the influence of biographical factors: age, working year, gender, and productivity obtained from calculation table, we can conclude that age, year of service, and gender factors all together give very strong influence because they yield correlation coefficient value equal to 0,987 and the F test shows statistically significant value.

Keywords: employement biographical factors, year of working, gender (male & female)


Daftar Pustaka

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