Perbedaan Konsumsi Cairan, Status Gizi, Aktifitas Fisik, dan Persen Lemak Tubuh Pada Murid Kelas Vii Sltpn 69 Jakarta

Ega Septy Ayu, Nanang Prayitno, Idrus Jus’at, Dudung Angkasa



Water or fluid is the main component of human body, about 55-60% body weight of adult or 70% body lean mass. It is estimated that total intake of water daily for women were  lower than men.Variation of water total intake probably was caused by the difference in physical activity level (PAL) and body size. Increasing water consumption could support metabolism process of fat storage. This research was committed to study the difference of water consumption, nutritional status, physical activity level, and percentage of student body fat in Junior High School (SLTP) 69 Jakarta. Data  were collected in February 2010 by purposive sampling technic. Total sampel were 60 student. Data comprise from sex, age, body weight, body height, PAL, water consumption, and percentage of body fat. Research result shows that average water consumption  for men and  women were 2779ml (±850,83), 2123ml (±484,21) respectively; average percentage of body fat for men were 16,95 (±6,388) and women were 20,56 (±3,934). Statistical test shows a significant different between men and women water consumption (t=5.043); (p<0.05); a significant different between water consumption based on nutritional status, PAL, and percentage of body fat (p<0.05). women student should increase water consumption to prevent negative impact on following day.

Keywords: water consumption, nutritional status, physical activity, body fat


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