Henny Maria Ulfa


Informed consent is the consent given patients told a doctor after being received an explanation. Researchers find there are still many incomplete Informed consent form. The purpose of this research is to know the analysis of the completeness of informed consent of surgery at Sansani Hospital Pekanbaru. Research methods Mixed Methods, design research Sequential Explanatory, The population all medical record of patient of surgery in 2017 were 2892, sample 97 medical record. The technique of Sampling Quota sampling, informants amounted 3 people observation, interview techniques are quantitative, qualitative analysis. The results of accuracy completeness of the informed consent has not reached 100%. Completeness of the Informed Consent Policy there has been no while the SOP and already, there's been a human resources analysis completeness with the DIII record medical degrees, the cause factor is still less awareness of the responsible officer in charge, no patient's family as witnesses, medical record officer effort is made by restoring the medical record to the room treatments. Recommends that there should be a policy and need to have monitoring, evaluation for completeness of charging medical record overall including Informed Consent so that reaches 100%.


Keywords: Completeness informed consent the act of operation, medical record, the hospital

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