Titis Murpratiwi


This study aims to discuss the empowerment of women in the economic sector through soap opera Tukang Bubur Naik Haji based on the results of the Central Bureau of Statistics 2014 survey, that women are economically powerless. The contributing factor is that women carry a double burden between work and domestic affairs, difficulties in registering businesses and access to finance, dominating the number of workers with family employment status, the wage gap between female and male workers is still high (22.26% for sectors non-agriculture, 38.93% for agriculture, BPS, 2014). This shows that women are not yet equal to men. Therefore, a strategic solution is needed to solve the problem. Through Rumi's character this research seeks to dismantle the dominant ideology toward gender equality and through the second wave of feminism. Roland Barthes's semiotics method is used in the framework of a critical paradigm using standpoint theory and the flow of liberal feminism, the basic assumptions used are John Lock's doctrine of human rights, namely the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Soap opera Synthetic Upper Hajiepisode 1112, 940, 1168 in analysis in the form of leksia includes five aspects of paradigmatic namely, hermeneutic code, semic, symbolic, proairetik and cultural. The results showed that soap opera Tukang Bubur Naik Haji had successfully dismantled the domestication of women toward gender equality through the point of view of liberal feminism. Keywords: feminism, porridge pilgrims, dominant ideology

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