Euis Nurul Bahariah


Community radio has a very important role in efforts to improve education in Indonesia, especially to accelerate and equitable education for all people in Indonesia. The role of community radio Suara Pendidikan 1440 AM becomes very important because it can support for the implementation of education as one of the sub-system of learning and utilization of activities that equalize the ability possessed by community radio as a medium with the power of audio in improving the learning process. Radio Suara Pendidikan 1440 AM with positioning as educational radio and learning referral for the community, especially through education programs as much as 60% of the overall program available, present as a medium of broadcasting alternative broadcasting and used by activists, academics, academics in the field of communication, especially broadcasting and other functions of community radio are now adapted to the goals of the community radio itself such as educational media for the community, community empowerment media and information media and indenpen. The results will be published in local scientific journals or will be presented at local and national scientific forums. Keywords: community radio, educational acceleration

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