Waste from plastics is a serious problem for the environment, the nature of plastic that decomposes in a very long time is the cause of environmental pollution. One effort to reduce the presence of plastic rope is to extend the life of plastic such as recycling plastic ropes into various types of craft items, such as bags. Problems arise when partners cannot meet the demand for product innovation and the production and management processes are not yet optimal. The problem of product innovation is due to the limited ideas and information obtained about various forms of product innovation that could be developed. The management problems experienced by partners are the absence of bookkeeping that records business financial activities, as well as conventional marketing and lack of awareness of the surrounding community to improve the quality of human resources. The aims of community service include increasing the quality and quantity of handicraft products from plastic rope waste packaging and increasing the ability of human resources (HR) for businesses and mothers in the surrounding environment, as well as reducing the level of unemployment in the environment around businesses. Community service methods used include discussions with partners to get solutions to problems by providing input from experience during the business of making plastic strap bags, conducting training in designing product innovations from plastic rope waste and preparing the tools needed in business management training and bookkeeping records finance. The results of the acquisition in the form of product innovation results from woven plastic rope waste and about improving the quality and quantity of the production process through the development of the resulting product innovation. Thus, it needs ongoing efforts to improve assistance for community businesses to become more empowered.
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