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research objectives were to examine the relationship emotion employee and cooperation in consumer purchasing decisions. Emotions employees is an important topic for a manager, especially in the marketing services sector, due to the impact of the choice of strategy work, emotional employee of customer attitudes. In general, previous studies have cited that customer satisfaction is positively influenced by an emotional performance strategy when doing service while the employee is negatively influenced by emotions. But there is a gap in the literature, the first gap is the impact of the employee's emotional strategies influence purchasing decisions. The second gap involving potential interfering variables such as cooperation with the customer, can affect the strength and direction of study of the relationship between employees with consumers. To view the research gap by empirically test a theoretical model which suggested that the relationship between the employee's emotional performance strategy and purchasing decisions in cooperation with the mediation by the consumer. Findings Tang et al, (2013) showed that the employees emotional strategies in serving an impact on purchasing decisions and relationships are mediated by a cooperation of customers. Strategies an emotional impact on the attitude of the employees working with consumers in the purchase decision.

Keywords:Emotional Employee,Purchase Decision Gold Jewelery

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Tang Chaoying, Seal Craig and Naumann Stefanie (2013) Emotional labor strategies, customer cooperation and Buying Decisions Journal Management and marketing Research Vol.13 Februari, 2013


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