Perbandingan Terapi Ultra Sound Pulsed 0,5 Watt/cm² dan 1,0 Watt/cm² dalam Menurunkan Nyeri Weight Bearing Pasca Fraktur 1/3 Tengah Tibia

Maksimus Bisa Ladopurab


Fraktur perlu mendapat penanganan serius dan komprehensif untuk mencegah komplikasi yang dapat mengakibatkan gangguan gerak dan fungsi seperti nyeri, atrofi dan kelemahan otot, kontraktur jaringan lunak, kekakuan sendi, serta keterlambatan weight bearing dan ambulasi.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan apakah  terapi ultra sound (US) pulsed intensitas 0,5 watt/cm² lebih unggul dalam menurunkan nyeri weight bearing dibandingkan intensitas 1,0 watt/cm² pada pasca fraktur 1/3 tengah tibia.Subjek penelitian dari RSU UKI, RS Siaga Raya, RSUP Fatmawati, dan Klinik Fisio Depok Timur, berjumlah16 orang, laki-laki dan perempuan, berumur 18-29 tahun,yang mengalami fraktur obliq dan spiral 1/3 tengah tibia. Nyeri weight bearing dengan beban 25% berat badan diukur dalam skalavisual analoque scale (VAS). Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Pebruari - April 2012. Pengambilan sampel dengan teknik random sampling. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experimental denganrancangan predan post test control group. Kelompok I diberikan intevensi US pulsedintensitas 0,5 watt/cm² sedangkan kelompok II 1,0 watt/cm², setiap hari selama dua minggu. Kedua kelompok diberikan kontraksi isometrik pada otot-otot tungkai dan pergelangan kaki setelah diberikan intervensi US. Intervensi dilakukan setelah mendapat persetujuan pasien. Uji komparasiindependentsamples t-test  menggunakan data selisih nilai VAS sebelum dan sesudah intervensi antara kelompok I dengan kelompok II,menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna antara kedua kelompok. (p = 0,533).


Kata kunci: VAS, weight bearing, US pulsed 0,5 dan 1,0 watt/cm²




Fractures need to get serious and comprehensive treatment to prevent complications that can result in movement disorders such as pain and function, muscle atrophy and weakness, soft tissue contractures, joint stiffness, and delayed weight bearing and ambulation.This study a imed to evaluate whether ultrasound (U.S.) therapy pulsed intensity of 0.5 watts/cm² could reduce pain of weight bearing better than 1.0 watts/cm² in subjects with shaft tibia fracture. Sixteen subjects, men and women, aged 18-29 years with spiral and oblique tibia fracture,were recruited from UKI Hospital, Siaga Raya Hospital, Fatmawati Hospital and Fisio Clinic East Depok,two weeks after the reduction. Weight bearing pain with aload of 25% weight was measured with the visual analogue scale (VAS). The study was conducted from February to April 2012. Subjects were sampled with random sampling techniques. The research design used was a quasi experimental with pre-test and post-test control group design. The first group was given the pulsed ultrasound (U.S.) with an intensity of 0.5 watts/cm² while the second group 1.0 watts/cm², every day for two weeks. Both groups were given an isometric contraction of the muscles of the legs and ankles.Treatment was administered after obtaining consent from the subjects.Comparison testof independentsamplest-test usingtheVASscoreafter interventionbetween the first groupswiththe second group;showedno significant difference (p = 0.533).

Keywords: VAS, weight bearing, U.S. pulsed 0.5 and 1.0 watts/cm²


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