Endang Triani, Sugijanto Sugijanto, Wismanto Wismanto



Purpose this reseach is to determine the differences effect between core stability exercise and gluteus activation exercise on disability and muscle strength in low back pain myogenic. This study is a quasi experimental research. Twenty subjects with low back pain myogenic at Bunda Hospital. They were selected based on purposive sampling and allocated to two groups : the Core group (n=10) and the gluteus group (n=10). Modified Oswestry Disability Index (MODI) used to measure of disability and Sphygmomanometer used to measure muscle strength. The result of core stability exercise with p-value= 0,001, mean±SD of MODI in core group 24,60±3,534 and value of Sphygmomanometer 88,80±4,442. It means core stability exercise can decrease of the disability index and increase of the muscle strength. The value of gluteus group with p-value = 0,004, it means gluteus activation exercise can decrease in the disability index and increase in muscle strength. The results difference of core group and gluteus group have mean±SD of MODI and Sphygmomanometer  2,8±1,033, there’s no effect between core stability exercise and gluteus activation exercise to decrease disability and to increase muscle strength. Core stability exercise and gluteus activation exercise are effective to improve disability and muscle strength.

Keywords: Core stability exercise, gluteus activation exercise, disability




Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui perbedaan efektivitas antara Core Stability Exercise dan Gluteus Activation Exercise terhadap disabilitas dan kekuatan otot pada nyeri punggung bawah (NPB) miogenik. Penelitian ini merupakan quasi eksperimental. Sampel terdiri dari 20 orang dengan NPB miogenik di RSU Bunda Jakarta, dipilih berdasarkan teknik purposive sampling dan dibagi menjadi dua grup: kelompok core (n=10) dan kelompok gluteus (n=10), menggunakan pengukuran Modified Oswestry Disability Index (MODI) untuk mengukur disabilitas dan Sphygmomanometer untuk mengukur kekuatan otot. Hasil perlakuan kelompok core stability exercise dengan nilai p= 0,001, rerata±SB nilai MODI 24,60±3,534 dan nilai Sphygmomamometer 88,80±4,442. Ini berarti ada efek core stability exercise  terhadap disabilitas dan kekuatan otot. Kelompok gluteus dengan nilai p=0,004, ini berarti ada efek gluteus activation exercise menurunkan disabilitas dan meningkatkan kekuatan otot. Hasil selisih kelompok core dan gluteus dengan rerata±SB pengukuran MODI and Sphygmomanometer 2,8±1,033, ini berarti tidak ada perbedaan efek antara core stability exercise dan gluteus activation exercise dalam menurunkan disabilitas dan meningkatkan kekuatan otot. Core stability exercise dan gluteus activation exercise sama baiknya dalam menurunkan disabilitas dan meningkatkan kekuatan otot.

Kata kunci : Core stability exercise, gluteus activation exercise, disabilitas

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