Akhmad Ferdian, Syahmirza Indra Lesmana, Lenny Agustaria Banjarnaho



This research is to determine the differences of the effectiveness between Nordic Hamstring Exercise with Prone Hang Exercise on the Extensibility of Tightness Hamstring. Methods this study is a quasi experimental which divided into two groups. This study conducted at physiotherapy clinic esa unggul university for 4 weeks(January-february). Eligible sampels were aged 21-22 years old, who has measured tightness hamstring by using SRT. Each group consisted 9 collages student the first group treated by Nordic Hamstring Exercise and the second group treated Prone Hang Exercise. Saphiro wilk test was used to determine normality of data distribution in this study and the result is the data distribution is normal. For homogeneity test two study used levene test with the result is the data is homogeny. Paired sample t-test was used to compare the effect which the group treated Nordic hamstring exercise and it show p 0,000. Paired sample t-test for group which treated Prone hang exercise p 0,000. Independent t-test used to compare the different between first and second group. Result shows that there is statistical significant difference in the results in which the p 0,001 less than 0,05. This mean that there are differences on the effectiveness between Nordic Hamstring Exercise with Prone Hang Exercise on the extensibility of tightness hamstring. There are differences on the effectiveness between Nordic Hamstring Exercise with Prone Hang Exercise on the  extensibility of tightness hamstring.


Keywords: Nordic Hamstring Exercise, Prone Hang Exercise, Extensibilty of hamstring muscle.



Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan efektifitas antara Nordic Hamstring Exercise dengan Prone Hang Exercise terhadap Ekstensibilitas Tightness Hamstring. Metode penelitian ini bersifat quasi exsperiment dengan bentuk 2 kelompok tidak berpasangan (unrelated), dimana ekstensibilitas otot hamstring di ukur dengan SRT. Sample terdiri dari 18 orang merupakan mahasiswa dengan kondisi Tightness hamstring di klinik fisioterapi Universitas Esa Unggul dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok, kelompok perlakuan I terdiri dari 9 orang sample dengan perlakuan berupa Nordic Hamstring Exercise dan kelompok perlakuan II terdiri dari 9 sample dengan perlakuan berupa Prone Hang Exercise. Uji normalitas dengan data  berdistribusi normal. Uji homogenitas dengan data memiliki varian homogen. Hasil uji hipotesa 1 pada kelompok perlakuan I dengan T-Test Relateddidapatkan p=0,000 yang berarti pemberian Nordic Hamstring Exerciseefektif dalam meningkatkan ekstensibilitas tightness hamstring. Hasil uji hipotesa 2 pada kelompok perlakuan II dengan T-Test Related didapatkan nilai p= 0,000 yang berarti pemberian Prone Hang Exercise efektif dalam meningkatkan ekstensibilitas tightness hamstring. Pada hasil hipotesa III dengan T-Test Independent Sampel menunjukan nilai p= 0.001 yang berarti ada perbedaan efektifitas antara Nordic Hamstring Exercise dengan Prone Hang Exercise terhadap Ekstensibilitas Tightness Hamstring. Ada perbedaan efektifitas antara Nordic Hamstring Exercise dengan Prone Hang Exercise terhadap Ekstensibilitas Tightness Hamstring.


Kata Kunci:  Nordic Hamstring Exercise, Prone Hang Exercise, Ekstensibilitas otot hamstring.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.47007/fisio.v16i1.1617


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