Dyas Prawita Nurrahmani, Abdul Chalik Meidian, Miranti Yolanda Anggita



Objective:This study is aim to determine the difference between Franch Functional Methode with Tightrope Walker for the ability of walking for children withCongenintal Talipes Equino Varus (CTEV) balance.Example: The case is taken from consisted of 18 CTEV patients who had a walking balance disorder.Methode : This research was conducted in RSUD. Cengkareng, this researche was using protest-posttest which is Quasi Expereminal this researche was also done by using Maching Allocation sample technic. The sample is devided into two groups. The treatment for group I was using French Functional Methode intervention and the treatment for the 2nd group was usingFrench Functional Methode and Tightrope Walker intervention. Result : Tehnique of data analysis is done by using Saphiro Wilk Test as normality test obtained normal distribution data with value of p˃ 0,05. Levene’s Test as homogeninty test obtained data that has homogeneous variant. Paired sample test as hypotesis test I and with II value p = 0,00 (p˃0,005) inaddition data analysis from Hypotesis III using independent test of the test of t-test sample with result value p = 0,00 (p˃0,05) which means Ho is rejected. This proves that there is a significans differences betwen French Functional Methode and French Functional Methode forwardsTightrope Walker. Conclusion : Thre is a batter difference of effectiveness between French Functional MethodewithTightrope Walkertowards the ability of walking for children with CTEV.


Keywords : french functional methode, tightrope walker, walking capability



Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui perbedaan penambahan antara French Functional Methode dengan Tightrope Walker untuk kemampuan berjalan anak Congenintal Talipes Equino Varus (CTEV).Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan quasi Experimenta sample terdiri dari 18 orang di RSUD. Cengkareng.Sampel dikelompokan menjadi dua kelompok perlakuan, Kelompok perlakuan I terdiri dari 9 sampel denganintervensi French Functional Methode dan kelompok perlakuan II terdiri dari 9 sampel denganintervensi French Functional Methode dan Tightrope Walker. Hasil: Uji normalitasShapiro wilk test didapatkan data berdistribusi normal dan tidak normal, sedangkan uji homogenitaslevene’s testdi dapatkan data memiliki varian homogen. Hipotesa I menggunakan ujipaired sampel t-test dan wilcoxson testdidapatkannilai p = 0,000 pada6 MWT. Hipotesa 2 menggunakan uji paired sample t-test dan wilcoxson test didapatkan nilai p = 0,000 pada 6 MWT. HipotesisIIImenggunakan uji paired sample t-test dan wilcoxson testmenunjukan nilai 6 MWT pada perlakuan I menunjukan nilai 6,66 dan nilai 6 MWT pada perlaukan II menunjukan nilai11,7. Kesimpulan : Terdapat perbedaan efektifitas lebih baik antara French Functional Methode dengan French Functional Methode dan Tightrope Walker terhadap kemampuan berjalan anak CTEV.


Kata kunci : french functional methode, tightrope walker, kemampuan berjalan


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