Abdurrasyid Abdurrasyid, Muhammad Irfan



Introduction: Chronic ankle injury (CAI) on the athlete would be risk of repetitive injuries on the same leg. Analyzing the muscle strength of the ankle movement is expected to be a baseline data in the prevention of recurrent injuries. Method: Quantitative study of multivariate analysis, chronic ankle injury sample identified with chronic ankle instability tools (CAIT) <24 points and normal ankle. Muscle strength measured flexor dorsion, plantar flexor, invertor, and evertor using dynamometer (Newton (N)). Results: total participants were 29 individuals (31% male and 68% female) with mean age 19,86 ± 5,180 year. Samples taken from participanted obtained 58 ankles divided into two groups CAI n = 26 and normal ankle (NA) n = 32. Mean of dorsal strength of flexors CAI 21.04 ± 4.501 N and NA 21.44 ± 4.206 N, the average plantar flexor strength CAI 21.83 ± 3,364 N and NA 22,48 ± 4,323 N, mean of invertor strength CAI 12,58 ± 3,402 and NA 14,52 ± 5,156, and mean of evertor CAI 11,81 ± 3,371 N and normal 13,59 ± 4,634 N. Multivariate Tests p = 0.355> 0.05, Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dorsal Flexor p = 0.729> 0.05, Plantar flexor p = 0,528> 0.05, invertor p = 0.105> 0.05, and evertor p = 0.106 > 0.05. Conclusion: There is no difference in muscle strength of the dorsi flexor, plantar flexor, invertor, and evertor between chronic ankle injury (CAI) conditions with normal ankle. To improve the analysis, physiotherapists need to conduct a proprioception and sport functional outcome.


Keywords: chronic ankle injury, muscle strength, chronic ankle sprain          



Pengantar: Cedera kronis pergelangan kaki pada olahragawan akan beresiko cedera berulang pada kaki yang sama. Dengan menganalisa kekuatan otot penggerak pergelangan kaki diharapkan dapat menjadi landasan dalam pencegahan cedera berulang. Metode: studi kuantitatif analisa Multivariate, sampel pergelangan kaki cedera kronis diidentifikasi dengan CAIT < 24 poin dan pergelangan kaki normal. Kekuatan otot diukur dorsi fleksor, plantar fleksor, invertor, dan evertor menggunakan dinamometer. Hasil: total partisipan sebanyak 29 individu (31% pria dan 68% wanita) dengan rerata usia 19,86±5,180 tahun. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 58 pergelangan kaki dibagi menjadi dua kelompok CKPK n = 26 dan pergelangan kaki normal n = 32. Rerata kekuatan dorsal fleksor CKPK 21,04±4,501 dan Normal 21,44±4,206, rerata kekuatan plantar fleksor CKPK 21,83±3,364 dan normal 22,48±4,323, rerata kekuatan invertor CKPK 12,58±3,402 dan normal 14,52±5,156, dan rerata kekuatan evertor CKPK 11,81±3,371 dan normal 13,59±4,634. Multivariate Tests p = 0,355 > 0,05, Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dorsal Fleksor p = 0,729 > 0,05, Plantar fleksor p = 0,528 > 0,05, invertor p = 0,105 > 0,05, dan evertor p = 0,106 > 0,05. Kesimpulan: Tidak ada perbedaan kekuatan otot penggerak dorsi fleksor, plantar fleksor, invertor, dan evertor antara kondisi cedera kronis pergelangan kaki (CKPC) dengan pergelangan kaki normal. Untuk memperdalam analisa fisioterapis perlu melakukan pemeriksaan propioseptif dan fungsional olahraga.


Kata kunci: cidera pergelangan kaki kronis, kekuatan otot, keseleo pergelangan kaki kronis


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