Ni Made Resty Anggraeni, Syahmirza Indra Lesmana



Objective: To determine the difference between Calf Raise Execise and Ankle Theraband Exercise with Wobble Board Exercise to improve ankle functional in Ankle Syndesmosis case. Methods: This study is a Quasi Experiment with pre-post design, where is the functional ankle is measured using  Star Excursion Balance Test(SEBT). Sample divided into two groups, the experimental group I with Calf Raise Exercise and Wobble Board Exercise and the experimental group II with Ankle Theraband Exercise and Wobble Board Exercise. Results: Hypothesis test in the experimental group I with Paired Sample T-Test p value=0.001 which means the Calf Raise Exercise and Wobble Board Exercise can increase ankle functional in Ankle Syndesmosis. In the experimental group II p value<0.001 which means the Ankle Theraband Exercise and Wobble Board Exercise can increase ankle functional in Ankle Syndesmosis. Result of T-Test Independent show p value=0,002 which giving there is difference between Calf Raise Exercise and Wobble Board Exercise with Ankle Theraband Exercise and Wobble Board Exercise to improve ankle functional in Ankle Syndesmosis. Conclusion: There is a difference between Calf Raise Exercise and Ankle Theraband Exercise with Wobble Board Exercise to improve ankle functional in Ankle Syndesmosis case.


Keywords: Wobble board, SEBT, ankle functional.



Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara Calf Raise Execise dan Ankle Theraband Exercise dengan Wobble Board Exercise terhadap peningkatan fungsional ankle pada kasus ankle syndesmosis. Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat Quasi Experiment dengan pre-post design, dimana fungsional ankle diukur menggunakan Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT). Sampel dikelompokkan menjadi 2, kelompok perlakuan I dengan Calf Raise Exercise dan Wobble Board Exercise dan kelompok perlakuan II dengan Ankle Theraband Exercise dan Wobble Board Exercise. Hasil: Uji hipotesis pada kelompok perlakuan I dengan Paired Sample T-Test, didapatkan nilai p=0,001 yang berarti Calf Raise Exercise dan Wobble Board Exercise dapat meningkatkan fungsional ankle pada ankle syndesmosis. Pada kelompok perlakuan II, didapatkan nilai p<0,001 yang berartiAnkle Theraband Exercise dan Wobble Board Exercise dapat meningkatkan fungsional ankle padaankle syndesmosis. Pada hasil T-Test Independent menunjukan nilai p=0,002 yang berarti ada perbedaan antara Calf Raise Exercise dan Wobble Board Exercise dengan Ankle Theraband Exercise dan Wobble Board Exercise terhadap peningkatan fungsional ankle pada ankle syndesmosis. Kesimpulan: Ada perbedaan antara Calf Raise Exercise dan Ankle Theraband Exercise dengan Wobble Board Exercise terhadap peningkatan fungsional ankle pada kasus ankle syndesmosis.


Kata kunci :Wobble board, SEBT, fungsional ankle.


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