Vika Ariesti Audini, Eko Wibowo



Objective : This research is to determine whether there is a difference in ankle functional improvement by intervention to the towel toe curl and calf raise with the addition of myofascial release to the case of plantar fasciitis. Methods : This research is Quasiexperimental with pre-post test design group. The sample consisted of 18 and are grouped into 2 groups. Group 1, intervention with towel toe curl plus myofascial release. Group 2, intervention of calf raise plus myofascial release. Ankle functional improvement was measured using FAAM.Result : Normality test obtained data of normal. homogeneity test obtained data of homogeneous. The 1st hypothesis p=0,001 which means intervention towel toe curl and myofascial release can improve the functional ankle case of plantar fasciitis. The 2nd hypothesis p=0,001, which means that the intervention of the calf raise and myofascial release can improve the ankle functional case of plantar fasciitis. The 3rd hypothesis p=0,879 means that there is no difference between the intervention of towel toe curl and calf raise against myofascial release on ankle functional improvement case of plantar fasciitis. Conclusion : No significant difference with the addition of the intervention of towel toe curl and calf raise to myofascial release in functional improvement of ankle cases of plantar fasciitis.


Keywords : towel toe curl, calf raise, myofascial release



Tujuan : Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan peningkatan fungsional ankle dengan pemberian intervensi towel toe curl dan calf raise dengan penambahan myofascial release kasus plantar fasciitis. Metode : Penelitian ini bersifat Quasi eksperimental dengan pre - post test group design. Sampel berjumlah 18 orang, dilaksanakan di Universitas Esa Unggul. Sampel dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok, kelompok perlakuan I diberikan intervensi Towel toe curl ditambah myofascial release dan kelompok perlakuan II diberikan intervensi Calf raise ditambah myofascial release. Peningkatan fungsional ankle diukur menggunakan FAAM. Hasil : Uji normalitas data berdistribusi normal, uji homogenitas data berdistribusi homogeny. Uji hipotesis I didapatkan nilai p = 0,001 berarti intervensi towel toe curl dan myofascial release dapat meningkatkan fungsional ankle kasus plantar fasciitis. Uji hipotesis II didapatkan nilai p = 0,001 berarti intervensi calf raise dan myofascial release dapat meningkatkan fungsional ankle kasus plantar fasciitis. Untuk hipotesis III didapatkan nilai p = 0,879, berarti tidak ada perbedaan antara intervensi towel toe curl dan calf raise terhadap myofascial release pada peningkatan fungsional ankle kasus plantar fasciitis. Kesimpulan : Tidak ada perbedaan antara penambahan intervensi towel toe curl dan calf raise terhadap myofascial release pada peningkatan fungsional ankle kasus plantar fasciitis.


Kata kunci: towel toe curl, calf raise, myofascial release


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