Rahayu Danar Wigati, Muthiah Munawwarah, Fudjiwati Ichsani



Objective: to determine the difference in the effect of addition of gluteal strengthening exercise (GSE) on ESWT (Radial) intervention on decreasing cellulite grade in women. Method: this research is a type of Quasi Experimental research to determine the effect of an intervention carried out on the object of research. The sample consisted of 28 Esa Unggul University students and selected based on purposive sampling technique using available assessments. The samples were grouped into two treatment groups, treatment group I consisted of 14 people with ESWT (Radial) intervention and treatment group II consisted of 14 people with the addition of GSE to the ESWT (Radial) intervention. Results: the results of the normality test obtained the value of pre-post test with normal distribution, while the difference value was not normally distributed. Homogeneity test results obtained by the data have homogeneous variants. Hypothesis test results in treatment group I obtained p<0.001 which means that there was a decrease in cellulite grade in ESWT (Radial) intervention. In the treatment group II, there was a p<0.001 value in which there was a decrease in cellulite grade in women with the addition of GSE in the ESWT (Radial) intervention. The results of hypothesis III showed that p<0.001 means that there was a difference in the decrease in cellulite grade in women with the addition of GSE in the ESWT (Radial) intervention. Conclusion: there were differences in the decrease in cellulite grade in women with the addition of GSE to the ESWT (Radial) intervention.


Keywords: gluteal strengthening exercise, ESWT (radial), cellulite            



Tujuan: untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh penambahan gluteal strengthening exercise (GSE) pada intervensi ESWT (Radial) terhadap penurunan grade cellulite pada perempuan. Metode: penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian Quasi Eksperimental untuk mengetahui efek suatu intervensi yang dilakukan terhadap objek penelitian. Sampel terdiri dari 28 orang mahasiswa Universitas Esa Unggul dan dipilih berdasarkan teknik purposive sampling dengan menggunakan assesment yang tersedia. Sampel dikelompokkan menjadi dua kelompok perlakuan, kelompok perlakuan I terdiri dari 14 orang dengan intervensi ESWT (Radial) dan kelompok perlakuan II terdiri dari 14 orang dengan penambahan GSE pada intervensi ESWT (Radial). Hasil: hasil uji normalitas didapatkan nilai pre-post test berdistribusi normal, sedangkan nilai selisih tidak berdistribusi normal. Hasil uji homogenitas didapatkan data memiliki varian yang homogen. Hasil uji hipotesis pada kelompok perlakuan I didapatkan nilai p<0,001 yang berarti ada penurunan grade cellulite pada intervensi ESWT (Radial). Pada kelompok perlakuan II didapatkan nilai p<0,001 yang  ada penurunan grade cellulite pada perempuan dengan penambahan GSE pada intervensi ESWT (Radial). Pada hasil uji hipotesis III menunjukkan nilai p<0,001 yang berarti ada perbedaan penurunan grade cellulite pada perempuan dengan penambahan GSE pada intervensi ESWT (Radial). Kesimpulan: ada perbedaan penurunan grade cellulite pada perembuan denga penambahan GSE pada intervensi ESWT (Radial).


Kata kunci : gluteal strengthening exercise, ESWT (radial), cellulite


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