Wira Dwidhya, Wahyuddin Wahyuddin, Pramudya Utama



Aims: To determine the difference in the effectiveness of Nordic hamstring exercise with Contract relax stretching in improving flexibility of hamstring flexibility in adolescents. Method: This study is quasi experiment and muscle flexibility measured using AKET. The samples consisted 18 students with the reduction of hamstring muscle flexibility at SMAN 3 Cilegon. The samples 2 groups which consisted of 9 students in each group. The treatment I using Nordic hamstring exercise and the treatment II using contract relax stretching. Result: The normality test gained normal distribution data. The homogenity test obtained homogenous data. The result of hypothesis test treatment group I and group II was gained score p=0.000. The mean score of group I 172,33±2,784 and group II is 163,11±2,759. Which means giving contract relax stretching was effective in increasing the hamstring muscle flexibility in the group I and group II. The test result of hypothesis III score p=0.001 and the mean value in treatment group I 46,22±7,225 and group II is 34,11±4,314 which mean difference in the effectiveness of Nordic hamstring exercise with contract relax stretching increase hamstring muscle flexibility. Conclusion: There are differences in the effectiveness of Nordic hamstring exercise with contract relax stretching increase hamstring muscle flexibility.


Keywords: nordic hamstring exercise, contract relax stretching, active knee extention test



Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui perbedaan efektifitas Nordic hamstring exercise dengan Contract relax stretching dalam meningkatkan fleksibilitas hamstring pada remaja.

Metode: Penelitian bersifat quasi exsperiment, dimana fleksibilitas otot hamstring di ukur menggunakan AKET. Sample terdiri dari 18 orang siswa dengan kondisi penurunan fleksibilitas otot hamstring di SMAN 3 Cilegon, sampel dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok masing-masing 9 orang, perlakuan I dengan Nordic hamstring exercise dan perlakuan II dengan Contract relax stretching. Hasil: Uji normalitas dengan data berdistribusi normal. Uji homogenitas dengan data memiliki varian homogen. Hasil uji hipotesa pada kelompok perlakuan I didapatkan nilai p=0,000 dan nilai mean 172,33±2,784 yang berarti pemberian Nordic hamstring exercise efektif dalam meningkatkan fleksibilitas otot hamstring. Pada kelompok perlakuan II, didapatkan nilai p=0,000 dan nilai mean 163,11±2,759 yang berarti pemberian Contract relax stretching efektif dalam meningkatan fleksibilitas otot hamstring. Pada hasil uji hipotesa III menunjukan nilai p=0,001 dan nilai mean pada kelompok perlakuan I 46,22±7,225 sedangkan nilai mean pada kelompok perlakuan II 34,11±4,314 yang berarti ada perbedaan efektivitas Nordic hamstring exercise dengan Contract relax stretching dalam meningkatkan fleksibilitas otot hamstring. Kesimpulan: Ada perbedaan efektivitas Nordic hamstring exercise dengan Contract relax stretching dalam meningkatkan fleksibilitas otot hamstring.


Kata kunci : nordic hamstring exercise, contract relax stretching, active knee extention test


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