Nurlaili Nurlaili, Amriansyah Syetiawinanda



Objective: The research aims to find out the difference in POLD method with SNAGS extension in decreasing disability and increasing lumbal flexion mobility in casses of discogenic low back pain. Methods: The research method used quasi-experimentalwith pre-test post-test design group, where disability is measured using the modified oswestry disability index (MODI) and lumbar flexion mobility is measured using modified-modified schober test (MMST). Samples were taken from the discogenic low back pain population at Clinic Berlian, which consisted 20, the samples were grouped into 2 groups, group I consisted of 10 samples with POLD method and group II consisted of 10 samples with SNAGs  extension intervention.Result: Normality test with shapiro wilk test was obtained with normal diffusion data white homogenity test with Levene's test got variance homogenous. The result of hypothesis test I with paired sample t-test was obtained  p < 0.0001 for MODI and p < 0.0001 for MMST. Hypothesis test II with paired sample t-test was obtained  p < 0.0001 for MODI and p < 0.0001 for MMST. And hypothesis test III with independent sample t-test shows the value of p < 0,0001 for MODI and p<0.0001 for MMST. Conclusion: There was a difference between POLD method with SNAGs extension in decreasing disability and increasing lumbal flexion mobility in casses of discogenic low back pain.


Keywords: Diskogenic low back pain,POLD method, SNAGS extension



Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui perbedaan POLD method dan SNAGs extension terhadap penurunan disabilitas dan peningkatan mobilitas fleksi lumbal pada kasus nyeri pinggang diskogenik. Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat quasi exsperimental dengan pre test-post test design group, dimana disabilitas diukur menggunakan modified oswestry disability index (MODI) dan peningkatan mobilitas fleksi lumbal diukur menggunakan modified-modified schober test (MMST). Sampel diambil dari populasi nyeri pinggang diskogenik di Klinik Berlian terdiri dari 20 orang pasien dikelompokan menjadi 2 kelompok, kelompok I terdiri dari 10 orang sampel dengan intervensi POLD method dan kelompok II terdiri dari 10 orang sampel dengan intervensi SNAGs extension. Hasil: Uji normalitas dengan Shapiro wilk test didapatkan data berdistribusi normal sedangkan uji homogenitas dengan Levene’s test didapatkan varian bersifat homogen. Hasil uji hipotesis I dengan paired sample t-test, didapatkan p < 0,0001 pada MODI dan p < 0,0001 pada MMST. Pada uji hipotesa II dengan paired sample t-test, didapatkan p < 0,0001 pada MODI dan p < 0,0001 pada MMST. Dan uji hipotesa III dengan independent sample t-test menunjukkan nilai p < 0,0001 pada MODI dan p < 0,0001 pada MMST. Kesimpulan: Ada perbedaan antara intervensi POLD method dengan SNAGs extension terhadap penurunan disabilitas dan peningkatan mobilitas fleksi lumbal pada kasus nyeri pinggang diskogenik.


Kata kuci : Nyeri pinggang diskogenik, POLD method, SNAGS extention


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