Zizy Triyana, Trisia Lusiana Amir



Objective : To find out the difference between modified wall squat exercise and the addition of mechanical traction intervention to modified wall squad exercise in decreasing disability of knee osteoarthritis. Methods: Quasi-experimental research with pre-test post-test design. The total sample in this study were 12 people who were divided into 2 groups and each group numbered 6 people. Group I with modified wall squad exercise intervention and group II with the addition of mechanical traction intervention on modified wall squad exercise. Knee disability values are measured by KOOS. Result: Hypothesis test I and II with paired sample t-test showed a value of p <0.001. This means that giving group I or II interventions can significantly reduce knee disability. Furthermore, hypothesis III between two groups with independent sample t-test obtained p value <0.001, meaning that there is a significant difference between group I and group II and this study shows the addition of mechanical traction to modified wall squad exercise is better than the modified wall squad alone with differences in the average difference and standard deviation of 9.12 ± 1.20 in group I and 21.25 ± 2.51 in group II. Conclusion: There is a difference between modified wall squad exercise and the addition of mechanical traction to modified wall squad exercise in decreasing disability in cases of knee OA.


Keywords: Knee osteoarthritis, modified wall squad exercise, mechanical traction



Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara modified wall squad exercise dan penambahan intervensi mechanical traction pada modified wall squad exercise dalam penurunan disabilitas osteoarthritis lutut. Metode: Penelitian bersifat quasi experimental dengan pre test-post test desain. Total sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 12 orang yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok dan tiap kelompok berjumlah 6 orang. Kelompok I dengan intervensi modified wall squad exercise dan kelompok II dengan penambahan intervensi mechanical traction pada modified wall squad exercise. Nilai disabilitas lutut diukur dengan KOOS. Hasil: Uji hipotesis I dan II dengan paired sampel t-test menunjukkan nilai p<0,001. Hal ini berarti pemberian intervensi kelompok I ataupun II secara signifikan dapat menurunkan disabilitas lutut. Selanjutnya, hipotesis III antara dua kelompok dengan independent sampel t-test diperoleh nilai p<0,001, artinya terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok I dan kelompok II dan penelitian ini menunjukkan penambahan mechanical traction pada modified wall squad exercise lebih baik dari pada modified wall squad saja dengan perbedaan rata-rata selisih dan standar deviasi sebesar 9,12±1,20 pada kelompok I dan 21,25±2,51 pada kelompok II. Kesimpulan: Ada perbedaan antara modified wall squad exercise dan penambahan mechanical traction pada modified wall squad exercise dalam penurunan disabilitas pada kasus OA lutut.


Kata Kunci: Osteoarthritis lutut, modified wall squad exercise, mechanical traction


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