Penambahan Manual Lymph Drainage Vodder Mempercepat Penurunan Kadar C Reaktive pada Obesitas dengan Latihan Intensitas Sedang

Ali Imron



Latar belakang: Masalah obesitas perlu mendapatkan penangan yang serius akan akibat munculnya beberapa penyakit di kemudian hari. Obesitas selalu dihubungkan dengan terjadinya low grade inflammation yang merupakan penanda terjadinya Cronic Non Comunicable Desease seperti Arterosklerosis, penyakit jantung, diabetes tipe 2 dan radang sendi . Salah satu tanda terkuat  terjadinya low grade inflamation adalah naiknya kadar C Reaktive Protein (CRP) pada plasma darah. Tujuan : Penelitian dilakukan untuk membuktikan apakah pemberian Manual Lymph Drainage Vodder (MLDV) mempercepat penurunan CRP pada plasma darah obesitas yang diberikan latihan intensitas sedang. Metode : Sampel penelitian ini adalah 20 orang karyawan OMNI HOSPITAL Pulomas yang mengalami obesitas. Obesitas diukur denga BMI  25 Kg/m.Kadar CRP plasma darah diperiksaan laboratorium setelah sampel puasa minimal 10 jam. Jumlah subyek penilitian kemudian dilkelompokkan secara random dalam dua kelompok. Kelompok satu diberikan perlakuan dengan pelatihan intensitas sedang tiga kali dalam satu minggu. Kelompok dua disamping diberikan pelatihan intensitas sedang tiga kali dalam seminggu diberikan tambahan pemeberian Manual lymph Drainage Vodder dua kali seminggu. Pemberian MLDV tidak berbarengan dengan pelatihan intensitas sedang. Penelitian dilakukan selama 10 minggu. Pada akhir penelitian darah subyek penelitian diperiksa kembali kadar CRP dalam plasma darahnya. Hasil: Rerata kadar CRP sebelum perlakukan pada kedua kelompok tidak menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang bermakna  pada kedua kelompok(p> 0,05). Uji hipotesis satu dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelatihan intensitas sedang dapat menurunkan kadar CRP dalam plasma darah (P<0,05). Sedangkan uji hipotesis dua menunjukkan bahwa penambahan MLDV pada pelatihan intensitas sedang dapat menurunkan kadar CRP dalam plasma darah (p<0,05). Dari  uji komparasi data hipotesis satu dan dua dengan independent t test  menggunakan data selisih antara sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan pada kelompok satu dan dua didapatkan hasil yang tidak bermakna. (p>0,05). Kesimpulan: Pelatihan intensitas sedang dapat menurunkan kadar CRP plasma darah pada obesitas hal yang sama ditemukan juga bahwa penambahan MLDV dapat menurunkan kadar CRP pada plasma darah obesitas. Perbandingan terhadap hasil keduanya menunjukkan bahwa pemeberian MLDV pada pelatihan intensitas sedang tidak bermakna lebih mempercepat penurunan CRP di banding yang diberikan excercise saja.

Kata Kunci: Pelatihan Intensitas Sedang, MLDV, CRP



Background : Obesity is an excess weight because of excessive levels of fat in the body Obesity is a serious problem for health; it is a trigger for more complicated diseases that might occurred in the future. Many people believe that obesity is one of the causes of Low Grade Inflammation; it is a sign of Chronic Non Communicable Disease such as arthrosclerosis, heart diseases, diabetes type 2 and arthritis. One of the most significant signs of low grade inflammation is the increasing of C Reactive Protein (CRP) level on blood plasma in obesity. Objective: A research has been conducted to find evidence whether to give Manual Lymph Drainage Vodder (MLDV) to the patient will accelerate the decrease of CRP on blood plasma in obesity with medium intensity exercises. Method : The samples  are the 22 employees of OMNI Hospital Pulomas with obesity with IMT 25 Kg/m. the level of CRP in Blood Plasma will be rated based on the laboratory examination after the sample fasting for at least 10 hours. The number of the subject of the research will be grouped randomly into two groups. The group one will be treated with medium intensity exercises, three times a week. Group two will be treated with similar treatment but they are given extra treatment, Manual Lymph Drainage Vodder, twice a week and MLDV is not given at the same time with medium intensity exercises. The research has been conducted for 10 weeks, in the end of the research; the level of CRP in the blood plasma of the object of the research will be measured. Result : The average CRP level before the treatment for both groups did not show any significant differences (p< 0,05), it means that there is no different between the two groups before the treatment. Based on hypothesis 1, we can concluded that medium intensity exercises can decrease the CRP level in blood plasma (P = 0,046). The hypothesis shows that with addition of MLDV on medium intensity exercises can reduce the CRP Level on blood plasma (p < 0,05). Based on the data from hypothesis 1 and hypothesis 2, I conducted comparison test with independent test method by using deviation data before and after treatment from group 1 and group 2. The result is the increase of MLDV on medium intensity exercises did not accelerate the decrease of CRP level on Blood plasma (p =>0, 050). Congclution : Medium intensity exercises can reduce the CRP level on blood plasma on obesity. The same result is found if we add MLDV, it is also reduce CRP Level on blood plasma on obesity. The comparison to both result shows that the addition MLDV in medium intensity exercises did not accelerate CRP level on blood plasma (not signivicant) than without the addition of MLDV.

Keywords: Medium Intensity Excercise,MLDV, CRP


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