Latihan Metode Neurac Lebih Efektif Daripada Senam Pilates Terhadap Peningkatan Stabilitas Lumbopelvic

Novlinda Susy Anrianawati



Tujuan: untuk membuktikan perbedaan efek latihan metode neurac dan  pilates terhadap peningkatan stabilitas lumbo-pelvic. Metode : Quasi experimental, Sampel terdiri 20 orang  mahasiswa dan karyawan AKFIS UKI yang dipilih berdasarkan teknik purposive sampling dengan mengukur stabilitas awal menggunakan stabiliser pressure biofeedback  dan juga pada akhir latihan untuk melihat perbedaan nilai. Sampel dibagi menjadi kelompok   metode neurac (10 orang)  dan pilates (10 orang). Penelitian dilakukan selama 8 minggu.  Analisis statistik menggunakan Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test  dan  Mann Whitney U test. Hasil : uji homogenitas (uji Levene’s test)  menunjukan nilai p = 0,855 ( tidak terdapat perbedaan stabilitas antar kelompok). Hasil Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test kelompok kontrol nilai p= 0,004 dan kelompok perlakuan nilai  p = 0,008 ( intervensi yang diberikan pada masing-masing kelompok mempunyai efek untuk stabilitas). Pada  Mann Whitney U Test menunjukan nilai p = 0,000  sehingga Ho ditolak. Kesimpulan : Latihan metode  neurac lebih efektif  daripada senam pilates terhadap peningkatan stabilitas lumbo-pelvic.

Kata kunci: metode neurac, pilates, stabilitas lumbo-pelvic



Purpose: to prove the effects of differences in neurac methods and pilates  of  lumbo-pelvic stability improvements. Methods: Quasi Experimental, the sample consisted of 20 AKFIS UKI students and employees who are selected based on purposive sampling techniques to measure the stability of  the initial use of stabilizer pressure biofeedback and also at the end of the exercise to see the difference in value. Samples were divided into group of neurac method (10 people) and pilates (10 people). The study was conducted for 8 weeks. Statistical analysis using the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test and Mann Whitney U test. Results: The test of  homogeneity (Levene's test ) p = 0.855 (there is no difference in stability between groups). Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test of  the control group p = 0.004 and the treatment group p = 0.008. In the Mann Whitney U Test, p = 0.000 so that Ho refused. Conclusion: Neurac method  is more effective than pilates  for lumbo-pelvic stability improvements.

Keywords: neurac method, pilates, lumbo-pelvic stability


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