The used Theory are the leadership theory of Anderson, Communication climate from Pace and Faules, and working satisfaction from Locke and Luthans. This research is done in PT Kiwoom Securites Indonesia, Jakarta. This research is using the quantitative approach. The method of this research is using the survey method by distributing the questioner. The items in the questioner has been through the reliability test with Cronbach Alpha and validity test with Correlated Item-Total Correlations. The used sampling techniques is the total sampling, with the number of samples are 50 people who are the employees of PT Kiwoom Securities Indonesia. The Measurements in this analysis using the univariat test in the description of the frequency and its level, and bivariat test correlation using Pearson’s Product Moment and also the correlation analysis, that measures corelation of the three variables which are leadership, communication climate and working satisfaction of the employees. The result of this research prove the existence of high correlation which is in the range value of 0,71 to 0,90 for the three variables, where the middle leadership generate middle communication climate and also generate middle working satisfaction. Thus, this research prove the existence of a positive corelation among those three variable.
Keywords:leadership, communication climate, working satisfaction of the employees
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