Erman Anom



Research, regulation and development of this press researched to deepen the development of the mass media is so dynamic in Indonesia. Those who want to delve into the media and political power in Indonesia and how to act in favor of the power to be used as a tool to build community in the era of Soeharto. The study examines how the press system established under a political system that is referred to as the basic media Indonesia between 1966 and 1973. To achieve the goal of the study, investigation was made on the press and the factors that influence the formation of a press system using an approach through the analysis of historical research documents and in-depth interviews. The results showed that the formation of the media system is based on a process of consciously designed to conform to the philosophy and values practiced by the manager, who went on to become Indonesia's national policy. The planned process is essentially cultural values such as "collaboration", the spirit of harmony, harmony, balance, and obedience. Press system formation process is done through persuasion and consensus made during the meeting, which was later used as a tool to control the activities of the press in Indonesia. The study also found some dominant factor affecting the development of the media system that includes socio-cultural, political and economic. The results showed that from 1966 to 1973, the government supports the aspiration to form a healthy media system, free and responsible as well as build a sense of family planning in line with the direction of the government's political ideology. Policies formed the basis for formulation of media system in Indonesia based on Pancasila. While from 1966-1973 the press laws No.4 / 1967 into force on the development of media freedom, justice and freedom.


Keywords: Regulation, Development, Press, authoriter


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