Aisyah Ratnaningtyas


This study aims, among others, to determine the effect of relatedness and competence on the orientation of autonomy, and to know the effect of autonomy orientation on PKO. For variables relatedness and competence, using a measuring instrument adapted from the Basic psychological needs scales. Then for the autonomous orientation variable, use a measuring instrument adapted from the general causality orientations scale (GCOS). As for organizational citizenship behavior, refer to Organ et al. (2006) which divides into five dimensions, namely altruism, sportsmanship, civic virtue, courtesy, and concienciousness. The participants of this study consisted of 95 lecturers with criteria as permanent lecturers, and the sampling technique was purposive sampling. Analysis is done using PLS (partial least square). The results show that relatedness, and competence influence the autonomy orientation (t statistics relatedness = 1.731799> 1.65, and t statistic competence = 3.309183> 1.65); and the autonomous orientation influences organizational organizational behavior (t statistics = 10,020505> 1.65).


Keywords: self-determination, basic psychological needs, causality orientation, organizational citizenship behavior

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