Wiwik Viatiningsih, Nanda Aula Rumana


The pattern of disease spread is currently experiencing an epidemiological transition from infectious diseases to Non-Communicable Diseases (PTM). One of the PTM is obesity. The cause of obesity is an energy imbalance between the calories consumed and those released due to increased energy-intensive food intake, high fat and low physical activity due to the influence of work, urbanization and changes in life globally which can cause stress or depression. Obesity and Depression are the two main diseases that are both closely related. The purpose of this study is to know the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and depression in Esa Unggul University employees. Quantitative analytical research method with cross sectional design. Variables in this study were BMI, depression, physical activity, food, genetic / hereditary knowledge, marital status, education, age and gender. The unit of analysis in this study is that Esa Unggul University permanent employees who are still active until 2016 totaled 106 people who were taken proportionally random sampling. The results showed depression was the highest factor that caused the body mass index to increase with the linear regression equation body mass index = 29.319 - 0.037 physical activity - 2.121 diet - 0.127 gender + 0.202 offspring - 0.224 knowledge - 1.146 marital status + 0.081 education - 0.026 age + 0.156 depression it is hoped that university management can create programs that can reduce the level of depression in employees by making business processes more effective.


Keywords: obesity, depression, body mass index

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