Lista Meria, Nina Nurhasanah, Saukani Saukani


Organizational commitment is an important element in human resource management in organizations. Organizational commitment to employees will generate morale, responsibility, high loyalty and a sense of belonging to the organization. Many factors influence organizational commitment, including work-life balance and job satisfaction. This research is a descriptive and quantitative study which aims to determine the effect of work-life balance on organizational commitment, the effect of work-life balance on job satisfaction as well as to determine the effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment. This research was conducted on 157 employees in Jakarta using the Structural Equation Modeling method. The results showed that high work-life balance will increase job satisfaction and organizational commitment, while high job satisfaction will increase organizational commitment. Then job satisfaction mediates the effect of work-life balance on organizational commitment.


Keywords: work-life balance, job satisfaction, organizational commitment

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