Ickhsanto Wahyudi


Standards of Study Results Graduates of the Accounting Study Program show the characteristics of the study program which include Study Program Identity, Vision, Mission, Objectives, Learning Process, Curriculum, Learning Methods and Strategies, Evaluation Methods and Quality and Assessment Indicators. The purpose of making the Accounting Study Program Graduates' Learning Outcomes Standards is to ensure academic quality in the learning process in the Accounting Study Program so that the Mission, Visits and Academic Goals are achieved. MBKM is a program "right to learn three semesters outside the study program" which is to improve the competence of graduates, both soft skills and hard skills, to be more prepared and relevant to the needs of the times, preparing graduates as future leaders of the nation with superior personality and personality. The experiential learning program with a flexible path is expected to facilitate lecturers to develop their potential according to their passions and talents. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method, with 33 people as the subject of the study as accounting lecturers. The results showed that the context evaluation component of the environmental condition aspect of MBKM lecturers' understanding was in the very good category. The input evaluation component shows the planning aspects of the learning process and infrastructure in the very good category. The process evaluation component shows aspects of the implementation of the learning process in the very good category, and the product evaluation component shows the lecturer's academic achievement in the good category. Thus, the application of learning standards for the MBKM Accounting Study Program can be carried out properly. Obstacles in implementing the standard MBKM learning process are the difficulty of adjusting the old and new curriculum and the confusion of lecturers regarding curriculum changes. The follow-up is for the study program to further improve the quality standards of the learning process so that the learning objectives of graduates can be achieved. Keywords: MBKM, CIPP Evaluation, Learning Outcomes


MBKM, Evaluasi Model CIPP, CPL

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