Sandra Dewi


The development and implementation of the concept of Corporate Entrepreneurship (CE) in various organizations/companies is increasingly being discussed today. The rapidly changing macro-environmental situation and industrial environment have created internal pressures on companies. Companies must respond to changes with entrepreneurial behavior, namely deliberately and continuously conducting opportunity seeking, as an effort to improve company performance, for the sustainability of the company. The health care industry, for example a hospital, which is now managed commercially, is certainly not immune from this phenomenon, which some researchers call health care entrepreneurship. The debate about CE in health care is still ongoing, due to the obligation to balance the ethical boundaries of service with the economic motivation to seek company profits, which sometimes contradict each other. Managers in the health care sector, as the determining factor of management effectiveness, are expected to perform various innovative techniques in conducting CE, in order to achieve a competitive advantage. It should be added that the writing of this article is the final assignment of the CEP program, so the use of the journals we chose as references and the writing style we did was far from adequate to provide a complete picture of CE in health services.


corporate entrepreneurship (CE), healthcare industry, managers

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