Pemodelan Sistem untuk Peningkatan Produksi Gula Tebu di PT PG Rajawali II Unit PG Subang

Iphov Kumala Sriwana


The objectives of this research are to develop a model for increasing the sugar cane production by developing the preventive maintaince schedule of the sugar industry machinery; to conduct the cane harvest schedule and to analyze the cane transportation requirement.The result shows that the maintenance period for the mill machine must be done in 29 days, boiler machine every 51 days, power plant every 147 days, centrifuge machine every 140 days and crystallization machine every 243 days. The actual capacity of the sugar factory in 2004 was 2.340 TCD whereas the calculated capacity, considering the preventive maintenance schedule was 2.697 TCD. It means that there is an increase of sugar cane production about 13,24%. Based on the machine maintaince schedule and the capacity of the factory, the harvest time is 138 days, the harvest work force are about 1.243 people and the transportation vehicles are 115 unit trucks.Queuing model was useful to find queuing parameters value at sugar cane unloading area included on transporting process. Queuing analysis was conducted by simulation technique. Queuing parameters value could be used for evaluation for improvement of the present system. Queuing simulation shows that the utility level of unloading facility is 25 percent. Average of the total waiting time is 0,37  minutes. The study suggests that PG Subang should reduce one or two units of its tipper. There was no queue on the loading cane; the longest waiting time is from the cutting process to the cane yard. The overall time required from harvesting to the cane yard is 3,14 hours.

 Keywords: Sugar Cane,  Preventive  Maintenance, Cane Harvest Scheduling


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