Karakter Pemimpin bagi Masa Depan sebuah Wilayah dalam Tatanan Kepemerintahan yang Baik

Beby. S.D Banteng, Lita Sari Barus



Building a city area is similar in building a family. In the community, a family is the basic level and the smallest component of the region. Character of the head of the family greatly affects the cha-racter of a family, just as the same as the character of the leader to his or her community. This con-dition could be as the same as a condition to a region. A leader’s character in a community or re-gion will greatly influence in executing the process of a power and running the procedure of the go-vernance. Governance has three components, such as public governance for government institu-tions, corporate governance for private and civil society (community). To achieve good governance condition, the new developments have to build for all of the components. The good governance’s goal is to achieve a balance condition among all of the components. Everyone should know what has been doing among them and understand the differences among them. Through that process, ho-pefully the consensus and the synergy will grow among them.

Keywords: Leader, Power, Community


Daftar Pustaka

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