Higher Education Reform Implementation Of Improving The Quality Of Human Resources For Making Good Governance In Order National Development Of Indonesia

Lia Amalia



Education  that is rooted in the culture of Indonesia, and is based on Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945, aimed to increase intelligence and can meet the needs of the National Development and is responsible for the development. Higher education is education of the education track at a higher level of secondary education in the education track. Higher education reform is, renewal education systems such as curriculum reform, diversification types of professional education, development educators qualification standards in accordance with the demands of the performance of duties in a professional manner, the arrangement of the input system, especially the budget and most of the out put (institutional, governance, management and budgeting system). Human Resources is the potential embodied in human beings to realize their role as social beings are adaptive and transformative that can manage themselves and all contained the potential to achieve prosperity in life in a balanced order and sustainability education. Good governance  which is the practice of governance in the context of public service and National Development, is an effort across the nation of Indonesia in pursuit of national ideals and national purpose, as stated in the Preamble of the 1945. 

Keywords: higher education reform, quality of human resource, good governance 


Daftar Pustaka

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