Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Antrian pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Unit Pasar Timbul

Kundang K. Juman



The purpose of this study was to analyze and design the Application Queue Customer Service at Teller and reporting charts and find out how many customers per month who conduct banking transactions on BANK RAKYAT INDONESIA is a company engaged in banking. Standing dated December 16th 1895, was established in Purwokerto, Central Java, which is then used as the birthday of BRI. PT. BRI (Persero) which was founded in 1895 based on a small public service until now remained consistent, with focus groups providing credit facilities to small entrepreneurs. At BRI Unit Pasat Timbul common queue is piling up obstacles, sometimes customers who only want to print the book because the savings have to wait long at Bank BRI Unit Pasar Timbul no queue to the counter Teller system. With the frequent accumulation of the Customer to the Customer Service counter teller transactions and customer banking  to be obstructed. The results of this study indicate that PT. Bank BRI requires a queuing system as an appropriate information system to solve the problem at hand and the last with the design of queuing systems based on research that will continue.Based on the above data, the researchers tried to design and create a queue of information system applications by using Visual Basic, Active report and report to the database using Microsoft Access.

Keywords : Analysis and Design, UML, Queue, Bank BRI


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