Pengaruh Bahasa Gaul Terhadap Bahasa Indonesia

Nina Nurhasanah



Language is the identity of a country or region is used as the main communication tool. Everyone needs language when interacting, expressing ideas and opinions as well as other social relations. In the use of Indonesian development replaced by shifting usage adolescent language called slang. Slang usage is not only used by teenagers, often educated people also use this slang, either verbally or in writing, either in formal or non-formal result is not a good use of language and not a right. It would be nice if we could use the Indonesian language is good and true, so that the existence of Indonesian as the national language is maintained. Indonesian is the language of unity, so as Indonesian people who care about and respect the national language, we must protect and helped preserve our language is Indonesian. If we are using the Indonesian language is good and true then direct people who are around us will be infected.

Keywords: language, Indonesian, Slang



Daftar Pustaka


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