Peran Pembangunan Jembatan Suramadu Terhadap Percepatan Pembangunan di Kabupaten Bangkalan

Vita Elysia



Suramadu as the Longest bridge built by the Government aimed to accelerate development on the island of Madura, including Bangkalan. Suramadu bridge construction costs are realtively very large at around 4.5 trillion rupiah. After nearly four years of running, the existence of Suramadu deemed not a significant impact on the economic and social improvement of the people on the island of Madura, including Bangkalan. Related to this issue, the study took place in Bangkalan as one of the districts in Madura Island closest to the location of Suramadu Bridge, to know how to link the existence of Suramadu Bridge with development acceleration in the region. This research used quantitative and qualitative methods. Various analyses were also performed to obtain a complete result. Basically, the approach used in solving the deficiencies of the region through the construction of Suramadu Bridge and continued with the issuance of Presidential Decree No. 27 of 2008 has been very precise. However, based on the analysis of existing conditions in the area of Bangkalan, it was found that there is no significant positive effect between the construction of Suramadu bridge and development acceleration in Bangkalan. Therefore more efforts should be done to maximize the expected development acceleration.

Keywords: suramadu bridge, bangkalan, regional development


Daftar Pustaka

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