Ety Nurhayati, Putrianingsih Putrianingsih



Background: Mother's milk (ASI) is the most appropriate nutrient for newborns to a minimum of 6 months old babies, not all breastfeeding mothers directly remove breast milk because the release of breast milk is a complex interaction that affects the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin massage is one solution to overcome the inability of breast milk production. The authorized capital of quality human formation starts from the baby in the womb accompanied by the provision of breast milk (ASI) from an early age, especially exclusive breastfeeding. The method used was pre-experiment with one group pre-post test design approach. The sample size was 38 respondents, consisting of groups of normal post partum mothers who were treated before and after who were taken by accidental sampling technique. The results of the independent T-test obtained the value of oxytocin massage in the group before and after p-value <0.05 (0,000). Conclusions were obtained that there was a significant effect between oxytocin massage giving to the smoothness of breast milk in post partum mothers in the pre and post groups on the smoothness of breast milk in normal post partum mothers.


Keywords: Oxytocin massage, ASI, postpartum mothers are spontan



Air susu ibu(ASI)merupakannutrisi yangpalingtepat untukbayibarulahirsampai minimalbayiberusia6bulan,tidaksemuaibumenyusuilangsungmengeluarkanASIkarena pengeluaranASImerupakansuatuinteraksiyangkomplekyangberpengaruhterhadaphormon oksitosin. Pijat oksitosin merupakan salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi ketidaklancaran produksi ASI. Modaldasarpembentukanmanusiaberkualitas dimulaisejakbayidalamkandungandisertai denganpemberianAirSusuIbu(ASI)sejak usiadini,terutama pemberianASIeksklusif. Metode yang digunakan pra eksperimen dengan pendekatan one group pre-post test design. Besar sampel 38 responden, terdiri dari kelompok ibu post partum spontan yang diberikan perlakuan sebelum dan sesudah yang di ambil dengan teknik aksidental sampling. Hasil uji T-test independen didapatkan nilai pijat oksitosin pada kelompok sebelum dan sesudahp-value < 0,05 (0,000). Simpulan diperoleh ada pengaruh signifikan antara pemberian pijat oksitosin terhadap kelancaran ASIpada ibu post partum pada kelompok pre dan post tehadap kelancaran ASI pada ibu post partum spontan. Bagi ibu menyusui : Ibu yang ASInya tidak lancar diharapkan mendapatkan informasi tentang pentingnya cara pijat oksiton dan ASI ekslusif bagi bayi dan ibu


Kata kunci: Pijat oksitosin, ASI, ibu post partum spontan


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