Prima Yunita Cahyaningtyas, Okti Sri Purwanti, Arif Putra Purnama


Background: Hemodialisis is one of therapy a substitute for the kidneys, use of the mucous membranes membrane permiabel that has function like nefron to roll out the rest of the the metabolism of and to monitor the a disorder of the equilibrium of fluids and electrolytes in the body. Also one of the access vascular that is used to hemodialisis is arteriovenous a fistula, where is the stabbing arteriovenous a fistula will inflicting pain patients. Research Objective: Know the influence of hugo or LI-4 akupresur point to a decrease in pain when their schools were that stabbing on arteriovenous a fistula to patients who underwent hospital hemodialisa in space hemodialisa PKU ‘Aisyiyah Boyolali. Research Methods: The research is research kuntitatif, with the methods quasi ekperimental pretest posttest design with control group, from about 20 people in select based on the criteria sample. The measurement of the pain in a visual analoge scale (VAS). Research Result: There are a decrease in pain in group the intervention of 5.00 be 3,30. While in the control group there is increased in the pain of 4,70 be 4,80. Conclusion: Akupresur at points hugo or point li-4 is proven effective their presence can reduce the pain in patients who will be conducted the stabbing arteriovenous a fistula before hemodialisis. This is proven by large values of one p value pt pgn promised to supply p & than any version lt; 0,001 kind of thing with groups there has been significant intervention , while in the case of the control group which was not in give it akupresur at points hugo the value of p him it is the same p = 0,705.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.47007/ijnhs.v5i01.3077


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