Dudung Angkasa, Ellys Nurmaida Silalahi, Idrus Jus'at


Background: Stunting which defined as failure to achieve potential linear growth was caused by multiple factors. Nutritional and cleanliness (hygiene and sanitation) are among interest factors that related to young children’s nutritional status. Objective of this study is  to investigate the association between nutritional, hygiene, sanitation factors and stunting occurence. Methods: A case control study involved 70 children aged 12-23 months which sampled randomly. The children were assigned as case (n=23, stunting) and control (n=47, normal). Structured questionnaires were administered to parents, containing inquiries related to nutritional factors (nutritional knowledge, feeding practice, parenting care, and health history) and cleanliness factors ( hygiene and sanitation). Children weight and height were measured using a weighing scale and microtoise, respectively. Anthropometric indices height-for-age z score (HAZ) was produced and classified as stunting (HAZ < -2.0) and normal (HAZ >-2.0). Comparison tests were employed to answer research questions. Results indicated all observed nutritional factors were significantly different between case and control. Only hygiene practice showed a significant difference between case and control. There is a positive association of good nutritional factor and hygiene practice toward stunting occurrence. Conclusion,good hygiene practice and nutritional factors should be encouraged to prevent stunting among young children


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.47007/ijnhs.v5i01.3200


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