Implementasi Evidence Based Nursing dalam Manajemen Nyeri Pasien dengan Rematik: Studi Kasus

Imelda Rahmayunia Kartika


Background: Rheumatic is a joint disease and can affect anyone such as the elderly, so this disease needs to get serious attention, because it can interfere with a person's activities in everyday life. To achieve good treatment outcomes, implementation of evidence-based nursing is needed. Objective: This case study aims to present the implementation of evidence based nursing in which using application of complementary therapy, namely the administration of warm red ginger compresses in the reduction of pain scale in patients with rheumatic disease. Methodology: warm red ginger compress therapy is carried out for three days. After each intervention, the patient is evaluated by assessing the pain scale. Results: The results showed the decreasing of pain scale on each day after using the red ginger compress. It was made from the pain scale 6 (moderate pain) on day 1 to pain scale 3 on day 3. Conclusion: giving warm red ginger compresses showed good results for rheumatic patients. Therefore, the application of evidence-based nursing in providing nursing care is recommended.


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