YULIATI yuliati


The prevalence of diaper rash or diaper rash in infants is quite high as 25% of the 6,840,507,000 babies born in the world (WHO, 2012). Diaper rash or diaper rash is a skin disorder that causes irritation or inflammation of the baby's skin that occurs in diaper-covered areas caused by diaper friction, urine and faecal exposure characterized by redness of spots and itching. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of perianal hygiene treatment with olive oil to reduce the incidence of diaper rash in Cengkareng Public Health Center, West Jakarta. Methods: This study used a pre-experimental method with a pre-post group of test design approaches. The sample in this research is all infants who experienced diaper rash in Puskesmas cengkareng West Jakarta 2018 as many as 34 respondents. The measuring tool used is the diaper rash observation sheet for the incident of diaper rash and observation sheet of the implementation of perianal treatment action. The statistical test used was Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test at 95% significance level (α = 0.05). The results showed that the value of Ï <α is 0.001 <0.05 indicates that there is a perianal treatment of hygiene with olive oil against the prevention of diaper rash in infants at Cengkareng Public Health Center, West Jakarta. The conclusions of this study were perianal hygiene treatment with influential olive oil to reduce the incidence of diaper rash.

Keywords: Perianal Treatment, Diaper Rash, Olive Oil.


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