Pelaksanaan Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) Terhadap Kemandirian Keluarga Merawat Pasien Diabetes Mellitus

Arief Andriyanto, Chaterina Janes Pratiwi, Nur Akbar


The family plays a role in managing risk factors for diabetes mellitus in family members. Diet and activity arrangements can be carried out by the family as a form of prevention against risk factors and care for family members diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus to prevent the severity of it. The purpose of this study was to provide an overview of family independence in caring for diabetes mellitus patients by providing evidence-based practice diabetes self-management education (DSME). The method used is a case study with an evidence-based nursing practice approach to 10 families who have family members suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus in Depok City. The instrument used in measuring the level of family independence is based on nursing care instruments issued by the Ministry of Health. The results showed a change in the level of family independence in treating patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetics require changes in lifestyle through self-management by clinical guidelines to achieve a reduction in disease-related mortality and morbidity. Recommendations, for health workers, especially nurses, in providing intervention to patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, it is recommended that they involve the family in providing care.


Keywords: DSME, family independence, diabetes mellitus

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