Widiyono Widiyono


Nurses in carrying out their duties as the frontline in handling, preventing, and treating Covid-19 patients often feel worried and tired. There are many factors that affect the anxiety condition of nurses in treating Covid-19 patients. These factors include age, gender, education, health status, coping mechanisms, workload, knowledge and availability of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This study uses a cross sectional design approach. The research population is nurses at RSAU dr. Siswanto who meet the requirements as many as 62 respondents. The research sample was 62 nurses at RSAU dr. Siswanto with nonrandom sampling technique with total sampling type. Data analysis used univariate analysis, bivariate with Kendall's tau-b test and multivariate analysis using multiple linear regression analysis. Statistical results with the analysis of Kendall's tau-b test showed that education variable had no effect on anxiety, while with multivariate test it was known that all variables were age, gender, education, health status, coping mechanisms, workload, knowledge, and availability of PPE together. the same or simultaneous effect on nurses' anxiety in treating Covid-19 patients at RSAU dr. Siswanto Surakarta with a p value of 0.001. The level of anxiety of nurses while caring for Covid-19 patients is in the category of moderate anxiety. For this reason, it is necessary to have the right intervention in overcoming the anxiety, one of which is providing adequate personal protective equipment for nurses.


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