Detia Nurpelita Sari



Availability of qualified health personnel in adequate amounts is essential for health development in the region to achieve better health development. Related to the importance of health personnel, distribution of personnel medical records must be done evenly so that the hospital or health providers to get medical records personnel in accordance with their competence. Puskesmas (Community Health Center) is a public health care facilities are very important in Indonesia, therefore personnel medical records are needed in the health center. This study aims to determine the distribution of medical records in Puskesmas Serang city 2016 by 4 aspects of educational background, employment status, training history and length of service. research conducted in Serang city health center that was conducted in June 2016. The sampling technique using saturated samples taken from a population of 63 sebanayak personnel medical records medical records personnel. Research shows the number of medical record personnel educational background in medical records and health information by 11 (17.4%) medical records personnel, medical record number of workers whose employment status of civil servants (PNS) was 48 (76.2%) medical records personnel and Labor Contract (TKK) amounted to 15 (23.8%) medical records personnel, medical record number of workers who have a history of training in medical records amounted to 10 (15.9%) medical records personnel, stocking of average personnel medical records in Puskesmas Kota Serang have a long service life of 10 years. Expected for the recruitment of new medical records in health centers in the city of Serang next order medical records personnel who received educational background in medical records and health information.


Keywords: Distribution, Personnel, Medical Record.

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