Yulhendri Yulhendri


The increase of degenerative diseases. Degenerative disease is a disorder in which there is a decline in function or damage to body structure that occurs gradually. Some types of diseases that are included in the degenerative disease group include Diabetes and Hypertension. The main cause of the increased incidence and prevalence of degenerative disorders is changes in lifestyle and eating patterns that do not pay attention to the balance between intake and dietary needs and sedentary lifestyle. Improvements in lifestyle and diet can be done through the selection of nutrients that are adapted to the conditions of the degenerative diseases that he needs need the help of a nutritionist in determining a diet program or determining the diet. But not all people can meet an expert in nutrition to determine their nutritional needs due to several factors. To provide solutions to these problems, an expert system was created to determine the nutritional needs of degenerative sufferers by utilizing the field of Artificial Intelligence studies. With an expert system, the process for determining the status and nutritional needs of sufferers of degenerative diseases will be easier, because knowledge about nutrition has been adopted in this system. This expert system is used to determine the status and nutritional needs of sufferers of degenerative diseases using a web-based forward chaining method, the development of the system uses the eXtreme Programming method to accelerate the process of developing the system. With this system so that people can easily find out the status and nutritional needs of sufferers of degenerative diseases by providing food ingredient solutions recommended by nutritionists.

 Keywords  : Degenerative, Nutrition, Expert System


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.47007/komp.v4i02.3137


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