Penggunaan Algoritma Huffman Untuk Kompres Teks

Ari Pambudi


Method compression of text by using algorithm Huffman gives storage thrift of data. This method is algorithm that is most famous to compress of text. This algorithm applies system encoding with bit network, where character which the frequency is often is decoded with short bit network and character which the frequency seldom be decoded with long bit network. There is three steps in using algorithm Huffman that is first phase of forming of tree Huffman where at this phase by using this Huffman tree minimization of scanning path length will by the way of putting down information often emerges close to root and information which seldom emerge far from root, second phase is encoding that is way is compiling string binary read from root up to tree leaf Huffman, and third phase that is decoding returns from code which has been formed.

Keywords: Huffman’s Algorithm, Huffman Tree, Encoding, Decoding

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