Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) is voice communication that uses internet channels. The main focus on VOIP is the suppression of communication costs which are generally implemented on large-scale networks. VoIP in its implementation uses a LAN network system and is supported by VoIP protocols such as standardization of SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) and IAX2 (Internet Asterisk eXchange 2). Along with the development era, VOIP infrastructure implementation began to shift to SOHO (Small Office House Office) network infrastructure, where in terms of network complexity, SOHO is a type of small-scale network. Several small companies that have just implemented computer networks put SOHO networks as an option in their companies. The SOHO infrastructure that continues to develop until now has a fairly high and diverse level of communication access on network protocols (multiple network protocol Access), approaching a large network scale. So that the VOIP design can be a form of solution in handling the problem of communication cost efficiency. The VOIP built in the study uses the Linux Trixbox CE operating system, uses the standardization of the SIP protocol (Session Initiation Protocol) as the protocol used on servers and clients with support for PSTN telephone client equipment using Panasonic KXTS505MXW and Toriphone TP - 2375CID telephones, using Analog Telephone Adapter type LinkSys PAP2T – NA . The results of the research conducted, resulted in a VOIP infrastructure design on a network that has multiple communication access with implementation on the SOHO network type.
Keyword : VOIP, LAN, SOHO
Teks Lengkap:
PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.47007/komp.v5i01.4611
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